Savera: United against supremacy

Why Savera?

Savera means “new dawn.” We are excited to announce that we, a diverse group of Indian Americans and allies, are building a new dawn in the US.

As Indian Americans, we owe everything to the anti-racist and civil rights movements that have allowed us to find a home in this country. Our community has grown in influence, drawing strength from our diverse backgrounds, and rich legacies of anti-caste and anti-colonial movements in the subcontinent.

We choose unity over hatred. We choose the people over institutions that try to divide us. This is our movement to take our power back.

savera: united against supremacy

Why Now?

A global crisis is deepening with each passing day. Intersecting supremacist movements, across the world, are using their power to drive violence, crush dissent, and divide us.

But we’ve also seen—from protests to end war to the movement to dismantle racist institutions—that the people of the world are wide awake. And they are demanding an end to the supremacist ideologies that stand in the way of a truly diverse, inclusive, and just society.

Now more than ever, we must take a stand. Savera is part of this movement, and we’re inviting you to stand with us too. It’s time to create a new beginning.

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