100+ Organizations Stand Against Hindu Supremacy

We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, express our acute concern about the alarming rise of Hindu supremacy, also known as Hindutva or Hindu nationalism, in the United States. This political ideology, which was first articulated in the early 20th century with direct inspiration from Nazism, Fascism and other ideologies of racial subjugation, now finds itself in a deepening alliance with various facets of the American far-right. Hindu supremacy poses a growing threat to our core values of democracy, pluralism and justice, both in India and here in the United States.

We stand steadfast in solidarity with Savera, a new united front that represents the true Indian-American majority, and that has brought together an interfaith, multiracial, anti-caste coalition of organizations and activists to resist supremacist politics of all kinds. 

Hindu supremacist organizations may hide behind a facade of multiculturalism and diversity, but in practice they have worked to break bonds of solidarity between communities and legitimize far-right politics within communities of color—including by attacking civil rights groups; collaborating with far-right demagogues; spreading anti-Muslim disinformation; opposing affirmative action and caste protections for marginalized communities; and working to curb free speech and academic freedom.

The deeply anti-Muslim project of Hindu supremacy began and continues to function as a dominant caste project, and its history is littered with examples of violence against Muslims and other religious minorities, caste-oppressed groups and indigenous peoples. The Hindu supremacist movement is not only harmful to Indian, South Asian and Muslim Americans, but runs deeply counter to our values of collective liberation. It is our shared responsibility to stand in solidarity with those who are bravely opposing supremacist politics and fighting for a true multiracial democracy. Hindu supremacy deeply concerns us all, and we are committed to combating it. 

Therefore, together, we pledge:

  • To reject all forms of hatred and supremacist politics, including Hindu supremacy; and to educate ourselves about the ideology and global presence of the Hindu supremacist movement, and its intersections with the broader far-right;
  • To stand in firm solidarity with the global struggle to dismantle Islamophobia and annihilate caste, and in particular to support movements to combat anti-Muslim hate and ban caste discrimination in the United States;
  • To support calls for the United States government to center human rights and democracy in its engagement with the Modi regime; and 
  • To stand with activists and organizations working to articulate a diverse, inclusive, and liberatory vision of Indian American identity.
  1. 18 Million Rising
  2. AAPI Equity Alliance
  3. About Face: Veterans Against the War
  4. Action Center on Race & the Economy (ACRE)
  5. Adalah Justice Project
  6. Afghans for a Better Tomorrow
  7. Alliance for South Asian Progressives in Pittsburgh (ASAPP)
  8. Alternatives International 
  9. Ambedkar International Center
  10. Ambedkar King Study Circle
  11. American Friends Service Committee
  12. American Muslim Empowerment Network (AMEN)
  13. American Muslim Institution, Washington, D.C.
  14. American Sikh Council
  15. Americans For Kashmir
  16. Angry Asian Womxn
  17. APEX Express
  18. Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)
  19. ASATA – The Alliance of South Asians Taking Action
  20. Asian American Advocacy Fund
  21. Asian American Midwest Progressives
  22. Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago
  23. Asian Children’s Educational Fellowship 
  24. Asian Law Alliance 
  25. Asian Prisoner Support Committee
  26. Asian Refugees United
  27. Asians 4 Palestine NYC
  28. Assembly For Human Rights
  29. Association of Indian Muslims of America, Washington DC
  30. Aurora Commons LLC
  31. AZAAD Austin
  32. Bangladeshi Americans for Political Progress (BAPP)
  33. Bhim International Foundation USA
  34. Boston South Asian Coalition 
  35. Boston Study Group
  36. CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
  37. Canadian Forum for Human Rights and Democracy in India (CFHRDI)
  38. Center for Pluralism 
  39. CERAS (Centre sur l’asie du sud)
  40. Chicago Coalition for Human Rights in India 
  41. Coalition of Seattle Indian Americans
  42. Code Pink: Women for Peace
  43. Dalit Solidarity Forum in the USA
  44. Daraja Press
  45. DesiFest 
  46. Design Action Collective
  47. Detention Watch Network
  48. Diaspora Alliance
  49. DRUM – Desis Rising Up & Moving
  50. Ensaaf
  51. Faith in Public Life
  52. Federation of Indian American Christians in North America (FIACONA)
  53. Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America
  54. Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia (FORSEA)
  55. Friends Committee on National Legislation
  56. Friends of India Texas
  57. GABRIELA Oakland
  58. Get Free Movement
  59. Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation 3544 
  60. Grassroots Asians Rising
  61. Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
  62. Great Truth
  63. GreenFaith 
  64. Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE)
  65. Highlander Research & Education Center
  66. Hindus for Human Rights
  67. Human Agenda
  68. The Humanism Project
  69. IfNotNow
  70. India Civil Watch International
  71. India Coalition
  72. Indian American Muslim Council
  73. The Interfaith Center of New York
  74. International Commission for Dalit Rights 
  75. International Society for Peace and Justice 
  76. Jewish Voice for Peace
  77. Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ)
  78. Justice for All
  79. Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
  80. Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice
  81. Keep Beyond
  82. Lavender Phoenix
  83. Lyallpur Forum
  84. Maynmai
  85. Movement for Black Lives (M4BL)
  86. MPower Change 
  87. Muslim Civic Coalition
  88. Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
  89. Muslims for Just Futures
  90. Muslims for Progressive Values 
  91. Muslim Voices Coalition 
  92. Muslim Women Kreate
  93. NAACP of San Jose and Silicon Valley
  94. National Lawyers’ Guild
  95. New York State Council of Churches
  96. NGO Federation of Nepal
  97. NoHindutvaMD
  98. North American Manipur Tribal Association
  99. No Separate Justice
  100. Peace Action, Montgomery
  101. The People’s Forum
  102. Poetic Justice Foundation 
  103. Political Research Associates
  104. Progressive Technology Project
  105. Project ANAR
  106. Project South 
  107. Race Forward
  108. Rangoli Pittsburgh
  109. Religions for Peace USA
  110. Resource Generation 
  111. Right To The City Alliance
  112. SACRED (South Asian American Coalition to Renew Democracy)
  113. Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus
  114. Sakhi for South Asian Women
  115. San Jose Against War
  116. San Jose Peace and Justice Center
  117. Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
  118. Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund
  119. Sikh Coalition
  120. Sikh Council for Interfaith Relations
  121. Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America
  122. South Asian SOAR
  123. The Subcontinent Project, Northwestern University
  124. The United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society
  125. Transgender Law Center
  126. Twin Cities South Asia Solidarity Collective
  127. University of California Collective for Caste Abolition
  128. V-Day/One Billion Rising
  129. World Without Genocide
  130. Xicanx Institute for Teaching and Organizing

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