APEX Express: Hindutva & The Far Right

In this podcast episode, the hosts of APEX Express on KPFA radio speak with Savera coalition members Safa Ahmed and Roja Suganthy-Singh about the coalition that Savera is building in the face of the multiracial far right and Hindu supremacy in the USA.

Southern Poverty Law Center: Hindu Supremacy in the United States

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) carried out a series of interviews on the topic of Hindu nationalism, and the kinds of presence it takes in the United States. Eight members and coalition partners of Savera took part in these, contributing to a four-part series.

On the Nose: The Other ADLs

In this episode of Jewish Current’s podcast, Savera Coalition activist Prachi Patankar examines how organizations like the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) and the Asian American Foundation (TAAF) adopt strategies modeled on the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

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